

冉璐 在感情里我是,你进一步我进一步,你退一步,我退一万步。

snippetHide snippetHide results Sure, here's how to treat scabies:

1. Consult a healthcare professional:

  • Seek medical attention from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or dermatologist.
  • They will diagnose scabies and provide appropriate treatment.

2. Wash your body thoroughly:

  • Wash all your clothes, bedding, and towels in hot water (130°F or 54°C) for at least 30 minutes.
  • Use a mild detergent that is safe for sensitive skin.

3. Apply a topical treatment:

  • Your healthcare professional will prescribe a topical treatment that you will apply to your skin.
  • The medication will kill scabies mites and prevent them from returning.

4. Avoid scratching or picking at the scabies sores:

  • Scratching or picking at scabies sores can worsen the condition and lead to infection.

5. Avoid sharing personal items:

  • Do not share towels, bedding, or other personal items with other people.

6. Repeat treatment as needed:

  • Your healthcare professional may recommend repeating treatment every few weeks until the scabies are completely gone.

7. Avoid exposure to warm or humid weather:

  • Scabies thrive in warm, humid conditions.
  • Avoid spending long periods outdoors or sweating heavily.

8. Consider medications for pregnant or breastfeeding women:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your healthcare provider may recommend medications to treat scabies.

9. Avoid using home remedies:

  • There is no safe home remedy for scabies. Only seek medical attention from a healthcare professional.